"If any of you lack wisdom..."
“The discovery [of America] was one of the most important factors in bringing to pass the purpose of the Almighty in the restoration of his Gospel in its fullness for the salvation of men in the latter days.”

Central to the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the First Vision was the discovery of America. Nephi actually testified of and witnessed the voyages of Christopher Columbus and his arrival to America in a vision (1 Nephi 13:12). Individuals who migrated from Europe to the American continent were seeking civil and religious freedom, however, Christian worshippers noticed a growing lack of interest in religion in the English colonies. In the 1730's, they began preaching the gospel with the intent to reignite people's passion for Christianity. The result of their preaching was a renewed dedication toward religion and The First Great Awakening...
"And I looked and beheld a man among the Gentiles, who was separated from the seed of my brethren by the many waters; and I beheld the Spirit of God, that it came down and wrought upon the man; and he went forth upon the many waters, even unto the seed of my brethren, who were in the promised land."

Lithograph depicting a revival or camp meeting.
Over the next decade, the Great Awakening swept over the thirteen colonies as numerous religious groups settled in America. As passions and dedication for religion strengthened in this new land, a second awakening was forthcoming....
Historians define The Second Great Awakening as the spread of revivals which inspired many American Protestants to investigate and experiment with different denominations to grow their Christian beliefs. During this new era, when religious freedom was being exercised and multiple new faiths were forming, many meetings were held with the hope of clergymen winning converts to strengthen their groups.

Hand-coloured woodcut of a Methodist camp meeting in Eastham, Massachusetts, c. 1850
Historians define The Second Great Awakening as the spread of revivals which inspired many American Protestants to investigate and experiment with different denominations to grow their Christian beliefs. During this new era, when religious freedom was being exercised and multiple new faiths were forming, many meetings were held with the hope of clergymen winning converts to strengthen their groups.

The Smith Family Farm in Palmyra/Farmington

Woodcut depicting early Palmyra
The United States was the first country to not have an established religion, but the freedom to choose. This, unfortunately, brought about a tension among the differing faiths. Which one was true?
About two years after moving to their new farm in Farmington, New York, Joseph recalled an "unusual excitement" about his community in terms of religion. Beginning with the Methodists, it quickly became a popular debate across many sects of religion. This excitement created a stir and a division in the community. Published sermons of the ministers of that time indicate arguments over:
Free Will
and even...
Card Playing
- 1818 Smiths purchased a farm in Farmington township
- 1819 Revivals intensified in the Palmyra vicinity
- Spring 1820 Fourteen-year-old Joseph Smith saw the Father and the Son in a grove near his father's farm.

The first vision by Walter Rane
Prelude to the Restoration