Special Collections
Unique, Rare, or Valuable
Special Collections consists primarily of printed material items that are sometimes unique, rare or valuable in some way within specific subject areas. The type or format of each item can can vary. The items in these collections routinely complement our archives and manuscripts, and can serve as valuable documentary sources or secondary resources to the many primary sources located in Special Collections Archives.
Most of the items that fit within these collections have been cataloged according to Library of Congress cataloging standards and can be found by searching the Library Catalog. When searching the catalog, use SPC as a keyword in addition to your search term to limit to items in Special Collections.
One highlight is our collection on the History of Record keeping. These items demonstrate the changing methods and technologies involved in recording information. Due to the value and fragile nature of many of these items, access is closely monitored.
Collecting Areas
- -Mormon History
- -History of the Upper Snake River Plain
- -Education
- -Literature and Historical Reference
- -History of Printing
- -Scripture
- -Campus Author
- -Music and Hinckley Music
- -Caxton Press
- -Greater Yellowstone Ecossytem
- -Vardis Fisher